Our first truffle hunts way back in 2011 were in the Rotorua, Opotiki, Gisborne areas and at that time, there was only truffle near Opotiki and Gisborne.
Now, we find Perigord truffle in the Rotorua area. Great to see that the persistence and care has paid off and Rotorua is producing some lovely truffle.
Off north once again to hunt many trees in warm, unseasonal weather. No need for hats and heavy coats. The dogs worked hard over many hours with no complaints!
Back to Opotiki where we found beautiful Perigord truffle at the property where we found the first truffle six years ago. Sirius still has the magic touch though she doesn’t work for as long as she used to. Also more truffle in Rotorua.
Pics from First Rimu Lane Hunt